Monday, November 17, 2008

Relaxing Weekend

We finally had a relaxing weekend, where it was just us and the kids. All we did was relax and be lazy on saturday, which was awsome. Granted the house was a disaster site from the previous week, it didn't matter because we were relaxing...hehehe. Sunday was the day where the entire family buckled down and did some hard nose cleaning. The house as a result of all that elbow grease is looking nice. The big task now is to maintain the house and make sure it stays that way...hehee!

1 comment:

  1. let me guess, the house was probably a disaster area a few hours later. hahahahaha!!! dude, no matter how hard you try your home ain't never gonna be tidy for more than a day; not until the kiddies are up and married and left the nest. i been there brah, i've been there.
