Sunday, January 25, 2009


Wow, it's been awhile since i've updated my blog. It's funny, when i first started this thing I thought I'd be up on it like everyday....sorry different story. It's hard with everything else to keep this thing update. Oh well, I'm here now so here it goes.

We just finished hell month with the workout program. It was slightly extended with the holidays, but we finaly got through it. The workout consisted of 9 exercises, 30 seconds in duration with 30 seconds rest in between exercises. Do the equals up to HELL. And it was two rounds of all that mess. Regular pull ups, Dips, squat jumps, hanging leg lifts, reverse pull ups, single leg step ups while holding 45lb plate, pushups (legs elevated; balanceing on a balance ball), standing shoulder press with 45lb bar, end it off with variations of ab exercises.

Even though i dreaded this phase, and I complained everytime we was worth the pain. I saw alot of development. My endurance has gotten better, and recovery time has shortened dramatically.

Now we are in phase 5...back to the weights. This time around we are focusing on form and peaking the muscle with every rep, 12 reps to be exact. Our sprinting exercises are back...woohoo! So that's pretty much it with the workout program. Slowly but surely getting there. The diet thing is still the hardest, but it is getting alot easier.

We also started Brazialian Jiu Jitsu training. I got Melvin to try out a class yesterday. I think he's hooked. Its an awsome workout, and fun. One draw back, I'm sore as hell. Muscles that I didn't know would hurt....HURTS, like my neck muscles, my chin...hehehe, and pretty much my entire body. Call me crazy, but it's worth the pain. So hopefully we can continue with that along with our original program.

La Boxing gym is having there next Fight night in mid march. I was thinking of finally fighting, but we'll see. I'm gonna train like I'm gonna fight, but whether I'll actually do it will be a last minute decision. The whole possibility of getting knocked out puts a damper on things...hehehe!