Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rude Awakening...continued...Phase III

OMG....2 weeks into phase three and you would think it would get easier.....NO!!! I'll be honest I kinda dread going to the gym just because i get my ass handed to me every time. At first, hearing what the workout regimen would be, I felt that it wouldn't be that bad. Boy was I ever wrong!!!

The workout is a total body workout that consists of 9 different exercise. Each exercise is 30 seconds in duration with a 30 second rest period in between. So the way it works out is Melvin starts...does his 30 seconds and than i jump in and do my 30 seconds, while he rests until I'm finished. This goes on for 9 exercises.

Exercises (30 second exercise...30 second rest):

1) regular pull ups
2) Dips
3) Squat jumps
4) Hanging Knee raises
5) reverse grip pull ups
6) single legged step ups on a medium height platform
7) push-ups with legs elevated on a bench
8) shoulder presses with 45lb bar
9) variations of sit ups on a 90 degree sit-up bench

1st round not so feel like you are going to die. After the 1st round we have a 5 minute rest period. Once that is over with we jump right into round 2, which mind you is pretty sad on my part because I'm pretty much done and I'm running on empty.

It's ridiculous how fast my heart is beating, how much I am sweating, and how hard I am trying to catch my breathe. The entire two rounds is done within 40 to 45 mins depending on the transition time between exercises which usually consists of 5-10 (this is dependent on how tired I am...hehehe).

So we do this routine 3 days out of our 4 day workout week. the 4th day consists of concentrated weight workouts. Focusing on form, and trying to really target that muscle group. Mind you we are using pretty decent amount of weights with each concentrated repetition.

I kid you not, I have come close to puking each time. It's a great workout, but OMG it hurts...hehehe!

I must admit though, after finishing the second week of hell, I do feel a difference, at least in the 1st round of each day. I feel a tad bit stronger each time.